Friday, November 6, 2009

Week 5 / The Hacker Ethic in a Networked World

Topic 9
Browse the Jargon File. Write a small blog entry about a term/definition which was the most intriguing for you.

I am really glad of finding this explanatory dictionary, it cover´s field which is ignored by standard dictionaries. So form me was quite interesting to read and clarify my understanding of some basic terms like the malware/viruses/Trojan horses... or the shareware/freeware/open source... Unix/Linux... etc. i didn´t know the distinctions for example between these terms. So i find it really useful for non geeks.

Write a short blogged analysis about the hacker ethic found in today's world (is it there or not, how much of it etc).

In the wiki for this topic was highlighted the examples of hacker project like Wikipedia, open source, Linux,... so I am pretty sure, that in today´s world there is hacker ethic quite widespread. I think, that there is even good-sized rise of this ethic, rise of this "life approach". There is visible and measurable rise of Ubuntu users (and also other Linux OS), the content of Wikipedia (an also the wiki authors). And last few months, there is also fast growing pirate movement, which make pressure for safe Internet neutrality and which is strong-mindedness to defend our Free culture.

relly good presentation about cc by Lawrence Lessig.

Aktualization 26.11:

Volunteers Log Off as Wikipedia Ages

So it sems, that there is some type of degress in participation on wikiproject.

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