Monday, November 16, 2009

Week 7 / The Author vs the Information Society

Topic 13 & 14
Read Chapter 3 "Against Intellectual Property" of the Brian Martin's book. Write a blog review (especially, comment on his strategies for change).

"Intellectual property is an attempt to create an artificial scarcity in order to give rewards to a few at the expense of the many. Intellectual property aggravates inequality. It fosters competitiveness over information and ideas, whereas cooperation makes much more sense."

I don´t agree with his view on piracy. He is true when he says, that trying to hide it, just underline the acceptation of the legitimacy of the system. But he completely ignore the manifest acting, the public support of the piracy, which straightly subvert this status quo. For example pirate parties play this role, even the names of them are declaring this point of view. It is necessary "change the polarity" of this conduct. Robin Hood is positive character. And it´s just one way how to change the public opinion on piracy and resort value system. Coming out, demonstrative acting and settle this topic in public opinion arenas.

„...illegal copying is not a very good strategy against intellectual property, any more than stealing goods is a way to challenge ownership of physical property. Theft of any sort implicitly accepts the existing system of ownership. By trying to hide the copying and avoiding penalties, the copiers appear to accept the legitimacy of the system."

There is really good presentation "It is About Time: Getting Our Values Around Copyright" on this topic by Lawrence Lessing, author of well known book "Free culture".

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