Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Cory Doctorow

Study the case of Cory Doctorow (Cory Doctorow @ Wikipedia, personal website) and analyse the validity of his business model as a writer.

He started published his books under CC license in 2003 - first one was Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom (2003) - and last one which waspublished under this license is Makers (2009). Just the fact, that he still use the same nonrestrictive license mean, that he is satisfied with the validity of this business. His book Little Brother (2008) is even New York Times bestselling novel. And it's distributed under a CC Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike license, it's legally available to download pdf version... and despite all these facts - it was bestselling novel. Case of Cory Doctorow is the proof of validity and sustainability of this business.

He made clever step forward in the book production business - I wish this case would be fine example for the rest of IP right holders. Together with development of business with different types of e-books will grow book piracy. So he choose right strategy in right time - the other owners of book IP rights will be forced to do the same think in close future - cause gigapedia and similar projects.

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