Wednesday, March 10, 2010

OpenSource Strategy in Business

* Write a case study about three IT companies using Open Source as a part of their business strategy (one of them could do it a its main business, e.g. Red Hat

I find potentially danger how to abuse open source strategy in the business. Till the time it is connected with ideals of free software its OK, but when it is used just as a methodology, as a strategy of distribution of work, i can't find difference between it and outsourcing, crowd sourcing... etc.

There are no written contracts, and in fact it could be quite similar with outsourcing work, shifting work from regular factories to independent contractors, to specific types of software Sweatshops.

Of course it's just hypothetical danger, but together with shifting the work, from western part of world to global south (in case of software to India...etc.) is becoming this danger more and more actual.


product is free and for free, the company (canonical ltd.) make a profit by selling technical support and make some in-house modifications /language/etc.. mutations. and also selling the clothing and accessories

Mozilla Corporation

biggest percentage of revenue is derived from search engine royalties - exclusive contract with google - Google search box in the Firefox browser.

There is many different way how to make a profit from open source business - the latest version is offered commercially, selling of commercial technical support service, additional proprietary features, dual licensing - selling professional versions, advertising - like Mozilla with google.

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