Saturday, December 19, 2009

Review Another Team´s Work

List of wiki team´s topics.
I will write this review like a comparison of two wiki team´s works.

1. The Networked Information Economy

First one and best structured is work focused on book Benkler, Y. (2006). The Wealth of Networks. It is good work, well structured looks almost like work of one man. In fact, it is summarizing of one book, It is main advantage - it give the team, whose created it clear structure. Finally each member can made just part of book. It´s not rebuke by me, i just want to underline, that make clear structure of team work, edit materials created by many members and give a final form of the team work is the most hard job in any team project. So this wiki work is really good, but it seems to me, that main part of this work did original editor of the book, on which is this team work based.

2. In opposite of the first one are "Social Media, Viral Marketing and Crowdsourcing"

This work is in fact also good, there is quite lot of information, well written texts, good quotes... But it´s not compact. It´s very visible, that each part made someone else. There is necessary next step, the final editing of the materials made by different members of the team by main editor. In this case, each member choose some aspect of the topic and create text. But social reality, or may be better say each reality except reality of natural science, is not possible to strictly divide into different parts. Of course it is possible, but finally the parts overlaps some of them a more, some of them less - but it is unavoidably - and in each work project is extreamly important role of final editor. I like the parallels with films - It´s almost the same - film editor make simillar thing. all film team create many shots and many minutes of film material - At the end director from huge amount of material creat the short film.... This wiki team miss the final editing... unfortunately in the same way as our team :(.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Week 12 / In Search of Middle Ground: Hybrid Approaches

Topic 23 & 24
* Try to position yourself on the "Free vs Proprietary" scale. What would you expect from a hybrid licensing scheme?

I am closer to Free extreme... but with some reservations.

And what i expect from hybrid licensing? It´s realistic, and really good strategy, how to extend the Free ethics, and penetrate free licenses into wide population, which is at this time demesne of hard core business - proprietary models. It´s only way how to achieve change. The strict GNU GPL and similar licenses are important (extremes are important) - but if there would be just GNU GPL - it would lead to marginalization of this project - enclosing to tower from elephant´s gold (it´s old word, i am not sure, if it´s possible to translate it like this).

* What is your impression about the MS Shared Source?

I wrote about it already earlier. I understand it like desperate (but sophisticated) bid of Microsoft Corporation to keep monopoly over OS/software...
So of course, i don´t like it.

Week 11 / The Uneasy Alliance: Free Software vs Open Source

Topic 21 & 22
*Analyse both free software and open source approach in your blog. If you prefer one, provide your arguments.
* How are CC licenses implemented in your country?
* Do you consider the FDL 1.3 a good solution for the incompatibility problem?

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Week 10 / The Digital Enforcement

Topic 20
Write a short analysis about applicability of copying restrictions - whether you consider them useful, in which cases exceptions should be made etc.

I don´t consider them useful. It´s useful just for enslavement of people... it´s "good" reason for prohibiting the Internet. For destroying it´s freedom and openes. ACTA and similar agreements are just first steps - wide spreading of concept of "Great Fire-wall of China" is another one.

Already now is World wide web separate into many different areas. GF of China is just most visible and well known example. But what about IP? It is common and people already accepted, that Google gives you different answers in USA and in Europe, that we can´t watch everything on you tube - that part is simply unavailable (or just throw backdoor-tunnels). And biggest paradox is, that people in Europe are confident, that they have in Europe more freedom than people in Turkey, because there is unavailable all you tube - not just parts.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Week 10 / One Microsoft Way: the World of Proprietary Software

Topic 19
What could the software licensing landscape looks like in 2015? Write a short (blogged) predictive analysis.

There are few possibilities.

1* massive expansion of open source and domination of open source on market because
- it´s free - really big advantage
- also flexible
- on development can participate everyone, - specific type of crowd sourcing - so called world sourcing :).

2* Microsoft and similar producers of proprietary software would adapt for new situation and danger expanse of open source. They will start offer their software for free (but of course it still would not be free software) this new strategy help them to keep their Vendor lock-in advantage. But despite this new strategy free culture and free software will expand, much more slower then in first prediction but still.

"Give away technology in hopes of establishing a standard that you can control. Offer local pricing: Don't force people who make $1,000 a year to pay $250 for an office suite. Shift to a service/support model, and give your products away for free." (more)

3* Microsoft, wipo and other different corporations would bribe politics and they will adopt agreements like ACTA. It will cause stagnation of western civilization and progress of countries which are opposed the economical/political/power pressure of USA and western corporations.

"The Free Software Foundation has published "Speak out against ACTA", stating that the ACTA threatens free software by creating a culture "in which the freedom that is required to produce free software is seen as dangerous and threatening rather than creative, innovative, and exciting."[38] Specifically the FSF argues that ACTA will make it more difficult and expensive to distribute free software via file sharing and P2P technologies like BitTorrent, which are currently used to distribute large amounts of free software. The FSF also argues that ACTA will make it harder for users of free operating systems to play non-free media because DRM protected media would not be legally playable with free software.[38]" (wiki)

Most probably seems to me second scenario. But in light of latest negotiation about ACTA i am little bit afraid of possibility of realizing 3. scenario. We will see... but good luck will be essential.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Week 9 / The Millennium Bug in the WIPO Model

Topic 18
Find a good example of the "science business" described above and analyse it as a potential factor in the Digital Divide discussed earlier. Is the proposed connection likely or not? Blog your opinion.


"You may have access for free through an institution."

It looks like just a bad JOKE. but it is reality. You can access journals from JSTORE for free throw some institutions. What does it mean? At first some institution, for example your university/library have to buy access to this electronic database. And it is not free. It is even "quite" expensive. So in fact it means, that "free" access can legally have just members of relatively rich universities and institutions. Education is mostly paid by governments, therefore real access in this database have just people from relatively rich countries... It is pure example of the "science business", and of course this practise of creating an artificial scarcity conduce to deepening of digital divide and enriching of few institutions in first world.

For me is more interesting than practise of "science business" the ways how to "go around" and how to paralyze this practise. So there is list of few respectable examples. Academical sources available online, project of open university, sharing documents, educational slides, books without copyright, google videos and different warez/pirate projects of sharing of books. In fact all the pirate and warez movement... and sharing at all... has also social dimension and therefore this activity is illegal but legitimate way to decrease digital divide.

Czech sociological review free availabel online.

Open university

Sharing of documents

Sharing of slides

Books without copyrigt - project Gutenberg

Pirate sharing of the books - project Gigapedia

Google books and google scholar - full view

The list of reasons, why use Creative Commnos 0 for teachers and creators of educational content.

CC0 - no restriction licence - simillar to public domain.

Directory of Open Access Journals

Map of access to open access journal server - Of course most of the access are from places where is many computers/computer users... But if we can compare with access to EBSCO or JSTOR (or similar database) - i am pretty sure, that there would be much lesser accesses at all and especially in "poor" countries.

Week 9 / The Hacker Approach: Development of Free Licenses

Topic 17
Study the GNU GPL and write a short blog essay about it. You may use the SWOT analysis model (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats).


- Using GNU GPL allow you (software developer) to use another IP protected by GPL.
- This license protect the unpaid effort, against hanger-on by proprietary projects. So it is good way how to keep justice. No one should earn money from someone´s philanthrophy.

- This license is very strict. There is danger, that the human effort would be waste becouse of the prohibiton of proprietary usage (current system is proprietary, is based on consume - simply we can´t ignore it). - So strict conditions can cause the segregation of the whole idea of free culture. If you want anything in society change (and attempt to established free culture is really BIG change), you have to be open and inclusive.

The reasons why use GNU GPL and not GNU LGPL by Free Software Foundation: here.

Long list of many different free licenses: here.

Here is a blog of Michael Carroll, Professor of Law on Washington College of Law and a founding member of the Creative Commons board.

Week 8 / More WIPO: Contracts and Licenses

Topic 16
Could this kind of contract be non-binding in some cases?

Contract logically can´t be non-binding... But. It seems to me, that some types of CC licenses are contracts, which allow everything without any specific terms. So it´s binding contract that allow you to operate with this IP without any engagements... Copyleft seems to me be as strict as copyright (it´s just opposite). Real change is for me CC.

And one joke:

"Creative Commons rolled out CC0 (read “CC Zero”) to respond to this problem. CC0 is a universal waiver that may be used by anyone wishing to permanently surrender the copyright and database rights they may have in a work, thereby placing it as nearly as possible into the public domain; essentially, it is a "no rights reserved" option. CC0 is universal in form and may be used throughout the world for any kind of content"source

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Week 8 / The Proprietary World: The WIPO Intellectual Property model

Topic 15
While there are international treaties (e.g. the Bern Convention), different countries treat IP differently (a good example is China). Yet, Internet is global and all those understanding will collide online. What would it ultimately lead to?

I read in some historical book, that the decline of Great China empire (for example printing press or Porcelain was invented much more earlier in China) was caused by rigidity of social, educational, simply whole system of dynasty.

I am little bit afraid, that we are at the same situation at this moment. All the world, which accept the chain of IP, or may be is better to say: allow to be enchain by lobbyist and corporation because of their profit, will be in this situation. I think it is one of the reasons, why come upward movement of China in last years. (I mean IP in currently form)

Critics of IP often say that different parts of IP have been outdated in different measures. What do you think?

For sure it is much more better than actual form. But my point of view is, that IP mustn´t obstruct progress. I understand few years of Copyright, patents... but actual form is here just because of profit of few people. "Intellectual property is an attempt to create an artificial scarcity in order to give rewards to a few at the expense of the many." And what about different measures? It´s fine idea - for sure there is a different rate of progress in a different branches of human activity. So in each sector would be the length of IP accepted differently. What can be OK in one sector, can chain down the another. But this type of system would be even more predisposed for corruption then the actual...

Study the Anglo-American and Continental European school of IP. Write a short comparative analysis to your blog (if you have clear preference for one over another, explain that, too).

I am not a lawyer, but just according to common sense both types of the IP law are not enough flexible for dramatic changes caused by Internet. There is many examples of crazy judgements... when people should pay thousands $ for few songs.
In Czech is in fact even illegal to sing songs sitting around campfire(when you don´t have permission for each song) .
The well known example of strange situation in USA from last month could be verdict of trial. When some woman shall pay thousands $ per songs, which she download. and in the same time the survivors of people who died during the air disaster get 5 times less money...

And how define IP wipo?:

Intellectual property surrounds us in nearly everything we do. At home, at school, at work. At rest and at play. No matter what we do, we are surrounded by the fruits of human creativity and invention.

WIPO has taken this concept and created a virtual tour of IP in everyday life. Based on an exhibition called At Home With Invention that was held at the WIPO Information Center in Geneva, the tour provides a broad, interactive excursion into the various areas of intellectual property in a familiar setting. Take a few minutes to find out how we are all . . .

And just a pirate printscreen from this presentation - Could be called:

"What lurks inside the Fridge?"