Monday, December 14, 2009

Week 12 / In Search of Middle Ground: Hybrid Approaches

Topic 23 & 24
* Try to position yourself on the "Free vs Proprietary" scale. What would you expect from a hybrid licensing scheme?

I am closer to Free extreme... but with some reservations.

And what i expect from hybrid licensing? It´s realistic, and really good strategy, how to extend the Free ethics, and penetrate free licenses into wide population, which is at this time demesne of hard core business - proprietary models. It´s only way how to achieve change. The strict GNU GPL and similar licenses are important (extremes are important) - but if there would be just GNU GPL - it would lead to marginalization of this project - enclosing to tower from elephant´s gold (it´s old word, i am not sure, if it´s possible to translate it like this).

* What is your impression about the MS Shared Source?

I wrote about it already earlier. I understand it like desperate (but sophisticated) bid of Microsoft Corporation to keep monopoly over OS/software...
So of course, i don´t like it.

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