Saturday, December 19, 2009

Review Another Team´s Work

List of wiki team´s topics.
I will write this review like a comparison of two wiki team´s works.

1. The Networked Information Economy

First one and best structured is work focused on book Benkler, Y. (2006). The Wealth of Networks. It is good work, well structured looks almost like work of one man. In fact, it is summarizing of one book, It is main advantage - it give the team, whose created it clear structure. Finally each member can made just part of book. It´s not rebuke by me, i just want to underline, that make clear structure of team work, edit materials created by many members and give a final form of the team work is the most hard job in any team project. So this wiki work is really good, but it seems to me, that main part of this work did original editor of the book, on which is this team work based.

2. In opposite of the first one are "Social Media, Viral Marketing and Crowdsourcing"

This work is in fact also good, there is quite lot of information, well written texts, good quotes... But it´s not compact. It´s very visible, that each part made someone else. There is necessary next step, the final editing of the materials made by different members of the team by main editor. In this case, each member choose some aspect of the topic and create text. But social reality, or may be better say each reality except reality of natural science, is not possible to strictly divide into different parts. Of course it is possible, but finally the parts overlaps some of them a more, some of them less - but it is unavoidably - and in each work project is extreamly important role of final editor. I like the parallels with films - It´s almost the same - film editor make simillar thing. all film team create many shots and many minutes of film material - At the end director from huge amount of material creat the short film.... This wiki team miss the final editing... unfortunately in the same way as our team :(.

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