Sunday, December 13, 2009

Week 10 / The Digital Enforcement

Topic 20
Write a short analysis about applicability of copying restrictions - whether you consider them useful, in which cases exceptions should be made etc.

I don´t consider them useful. It´s useful just for enslavement of people... it´s "good" reason for prohibiting the Internet. For destroying it´s freedom and openes. ACTA and similar agreements are just first steps - wide spreading of concept of "Great Fire-wall of China" is another one.

Already now is World wide web separate into many different areas. GF of China is just most visible and well known example. But what about IP? It is common and people already accepted, that Google gives you different answers in USA and in Europe, that we can´t watch everything on you tube - that part is simply unavailable (or just throw backdoor-tunnels). And biggest paradox is, that people in Europe are confident, that they have in Europe more freedom than people in Turkey, because there is unavailable all you tube - not just parts.

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