Friday, December 4, 2009

Week 9 / The Hacker Approach: Development of Free Licenses

Topic 17
Study the GNU GPL and write a short blog essay about it. You may use the SWOT analysis model (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats).


- Using GNU GPL allow you (software developer) to use another IP protected by GPL.
- This license protect the unpaid effort, against hanger-on by proprietary projects. So it is good way how to keep justice. No one should earn money from someone´s philanthrophy.

- This license is very strict. There is danger, that the human effort would be waste becouse of the prohibiton of proprietary usage (current system is proprietary, is based on consume - simply we can´t ignore it). - So strict conditions can cause the segregation of the whole idea of free culture. If you want anything in society change (and attempt to established free culture is really BIG change), you have to be open and inclusive.

The reasons why use GNU GPL and not GNU LGPL by Free Software Foundation: here.

Long list of many different free licenses: here.

Here is a blog of Michael Carroll, Professor of Law on Washington College of Law and a founding member of the Creative Commons board.

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